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Posts Tagged ‘Michael Jackson’

I am Sick of Hearing About Michael Jackson!

Posted by Mike on July 29, 2009

I know this may sound harsh at first but I am sick of hearing about all of the people that may be getting in trouble due to the untimely death of an icon. As we all know, he had an amazing career but a horrible personal life. He obtained a status of celebrity and wealth that people dream of but also lead of life of exile lead by his troubling behavior.

The King of Pop

The King of Pop

His family is fighting over custody of his children which we all feel confidently that he did not father and everyone is pointing the finger.  If they cared so much why didn’t his family report the doctor(s) and associates (I refuse to call them friends) that helped him either obtain these drugs or administer them? Why didn’t they take drastic measures and go public in hopes of embarrassing him into recovery?

He had a fortune although he all heard he was broke. I wonder who is fighting to get a piece of that? The money should without a doubt be handled by responsible people and strictly go to his children and their well-being. I am sure they will all need some therapy just because their father is Michael Jackson. The kids should be the priority of everyone involved but sad to say, I think money will be the priority.

I will say this, I did not like his music but his musical achievements cannot be denied but neither can his disturbing behavior and the allegations presented by more then one child.  He was a great musician but a sick person no matter who you slice it!

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